Инвертор XSY-AT1, Помогите настроить.
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Поделиться224-01-2017 18:26:15
Вот его заводские установки. ПОДСКАЖИТЕ что поменять в настройках для запуска шпинделя (400Гц), настраивать методом "тыка" страшновато.Инструкция
Parameter Parameter specification Parameter range Default Unit
p00 Maximum voltage 0---220.0/380 220/380 V
p01 Reference frequency 0---400.0 50 Hz
p02 Intermediate voltage 0---220.0/380 110/190 V
p03 Intermediate frequency 0---400.0 25 Hz
p04 Minimum voltage 0---220.0/380 0 V
p05 Minimum frequency 0---400.0 0 Hz
p06 Maximum operating 0---400.0 100 Hz
p07 Minimum operating 0---400.0 0 Hz
p08 Hide password 0---65535 33333
P09 Input password 0---65535 0
p10 Working freqency source 0: Panel keyboard 1
1: Panel potentiometer
2: External analog signal
3: RS485
p11 Start/Stop 0: Panel keyboard 0
control source 1: RS485
2: External port
p12 Stopping Modes 0: Inertial stop 1
1: Deceleration stop
2: Brake stop
3: Emergency brake
p13 Braking time 0---2.5 0.5 S
P14 Braking voltage 0---140.0 20 V
p17 Machine numer 1-255 1
p18 Operating arrival 0---100.0 50 Hz
p20 Over temperature protection selection 1---80 80
p21 Reduction ratio 1---100 1
p22 Carrier setting 1---10 10
p23 Frequency adjusting step size 1---100 5 0.1Hz
p24 Overload protection buffer time 0.1---60.0 3 S
p25 Motor series selection 0: two poles 0
1: quadrupole
3: sextupole
p26 Working frequency 0---400.0 50 Hz
p27 Section speed 1 setting 0---400.0 45 Hz
p28 Section speed 2 setting 0---400.0 40 Hz
p29 Section speed 3 setting 0---400.0 35 Hz
p30 Section speed 4 setting 0---400.0 30 Hz
p31 Section speed 5 setting 0---400.0 25 Hz
p32 Section speed 6 setting 0---400.0 20 Hz
p33 Section speed 7 setting 0---400.0 15 Hz
p34 Main rising velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p35 1st rising velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p36 2st rising velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p37 3st rising velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p38 4st rising velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p39 5st rising velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p40 6st rising velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p41 7st rising velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p42 Main descent velocity 1---1000 25 Hz/S
p43 1st descent velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p44 2st descent velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p45 3st descent velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p46 4st descent velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p47 5st descent velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p48 6st descent velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p49 7st descent velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p50 Multi function input 1 0: invalid, terminal is 13
1: wire control stop
2: keying stop
3: keying operation
4: stop keying
5: wire forward operation
6: wire reverse operation
7: reservation
8: error reset signal
9: wire reversing switch
10: keying forward switching
11: keying forward switching
12: reverse switch keying
13: selection speed input 1
14: selection speed input 2
15: selection speed input 3
16: external error signal
p51 Multi function input 2 Idem 14
p52 Multi function input 3 Idem 15
p53 Multi function input 4 Idem 5
p54 Multi function input 5 Idem 6
p55 Multi function input 6 Idem 9
p58 Multi function input 1 0: invalid, no output 0
(SP1) 1: operating instructions
2: set arrival instructions
3: fault indication
4: timer time run out
p60 Multi function input 2 Idem (Relay output) 0
p62 Display options 0: setting frequency
1: operating frequency
2: revolution
3: current
4: temperature
5: time
p65 Power ON options 0: normal power on
1: report error with start signal
when power on
2: Power on forward
3: Power on reverse
p66 Input stabilization time 0---65535 60 mS
p67 Voltage coefficient 0---65535 32500
p68 Under voltage setting 0---220/380 160/270 V
p69 Overvoltage setting 220.0---400/680 300/500 V
p70 Torque comensation options 0: p72 is compensation amount 0
1: Multiply p72 by p71 after p71 minus input voltage
p71 Torque compensation voltage 100.0---300.0 10 V
P72 Torque compensation setting 0---100 0
p73 Maximum external analog 0---65535 61440
p74 Minimum external analog 0---65535 4096
p75 Zero current compensation value 0---65535 1130
p76 Current coefficient 0---65535 9500
p77 Parameter reset 0---65535 0
(It is the reset when 54321)
p86 Jog forward frequency 0---400.0 20 Hz
p87 Jog reverse frequency 0---400.0 20 Hz
p88 Jog rising velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p89 Jog descent velocity 1---1000 50 Hz/S
p90 Jog stopping modes 0: Inertia stop 1
1: Decelerate stop
2: Braking stop
3: Emergency brake
p91 Jog braking time 0---2.5 0.1 S
p127 Remaining hours 0---65535 65535 H
Err1 Module protection
Err2 Undervoltage protection
Err3 Overvoltage protection
Err4 Driving Circuit Failures
Err5 Input at startup when electrified
Err6 Over current protection
Err7 Overtime
Err8 Excessive temperatures for radiator
Err9 External fault
Отредактировано abct (25-01-2017 21:34:24)
Поделиться321-02-2017 17:33:57
Тоже приобрёл сей девайс, но пока изголялся с другим, похожим...
Отредактировано Сергей Иваныч (21-02-2017 19:58:48)